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Happy Halloween/Blessed Samhain/Feliz Dia de los Muertos

Yesterday was Halloween/Samhain and today is Dia de los Muertos/Day of the Dead, which is actually a week long celebration. We're in the full swing of Scorpio season and the Scorpio new moon is today. Are you feeling how thin the veil is? How close the world of spirit is to our own 3D world right now? I feel like all I have to do is reach out my hand and take a deep breath to feel the other side.

The natural world is trying to teach us how to slow down and let go. The trees lose their leaves, and it's time for gardens to be put to bed for the season. Nature dies in a flourish of color. While we might enjoy the leaves as they change and fall, there's the feeling, like "Ugh, now it's gonna be dark and cold and I hate it" that is generally part of the cultural conversation around this time of year. Also, it can seem like there's a push to pack a whole bunch of work into the last three months of the year.

Now is the time to release and embrace the dark part of the year. Take some time to be quiet. This is especially important if you want you hear your ancestor's wisdom the next few days. Have a hot drink and sit at your ancestor altar. Ask for advice on whatever topic or issue you might be struggling with. Ancestors love to give advice! They also love to comfort us and let us know they still care about us from their place on the other side. They can't necessarily intervene to stop things from hurting us, but they can be a space of solace when we need it.

I've added to my altar this year, and while that's not a happy feeling, it's an honor to have shared time with my beloved deceased. My cat Sofy passed on Oct 13th, and a long time internet friend passed suddenly on Oct 25th. There are quite a few other deathiversaries that I commemorate in October. My dad passed on Oct 17th, 18 years ago. My maternal grandmother passed on Oct 21st, over 50 years ago. A very dear friend lost her dad on Oct 31st a few years ago as well. Not all death happens this time of year, but as the world of spirit and the 3D world sync up for a bit, I feel like crossing over is a little bit easier for souls whose contracts are close to being up.

I also feel like the soul knows when it's time to go, even if the person consciously doesn't know they are close to the end of life. Sometimes they say things that are a little out of place, or really stand out but could be interpreted differently due to the context of the situation.

For example, my mom and I both remember my dad saying during the trek to Texas that he wasn't going to help me move again, and sure enough he didn't. I didn't buy a house until 9 years after he passed. That summer of the move, several strange things happened. My mom lost the diamond from her engagement ring and one of the plaques she received at my dad's retirement ceremony 10 years prior fell off the wall. We were all low key concerned that something was going to happen to her. But when he made that comment about moving, she knew.

I knew Sofy was going to pass, not only because she had gotten frailer and frailer over time; the arthritis shots and multiple daily meals with extra gravy just weren't enough to keep up with what her body was experiencing. A few weeks before it was her time for a compassionate ending, I had a dream where my dad came to visit me and we took Sofy to the vet together to say goodbye. In real life, I had a vet come to the house, and it's such a blessing for both pets and their people that such a service exists. After that dream, I also heard an owl one morning. Owls aren't uncommon in my area although I don't hear them often, but in my family tradition, hearing an owl is a sign that someone will pass away soon. Not necessarily the one who hears the owl, but the owl is a messenger.

Maybe you'll get a dream visitation from a loved one or ancestor. Maybe you can connect with one of your beloved dead in meditation. Even if you don't feel like you made contact, letting them know you love them and remember them is powerful. Light a candle for them. Light incense for them. Leave a cup of tea or coffee on your altar for them if you feel called to do that.

Love and sparkles,


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