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Capricorn Full Moon June 21, 2024

Hi Sparkly Friends!

The Capricorn Full Moon happened a few days ago, but we can still tap into the energy to say goodbye to spring as we officially start summer. I mean, realistically it's been summer in Texas since like April, but we're now in the peak energy of summertime.

Last week we left Gemini, which is often called the child of the zodiac.

The sun has moved into Cancer, which is divine mother energy. No matter what your relationship is/was with your physical life mother, the nurturing energy of Cancer season is here to support you and nurture you.

Capricorn is the opposite, complementary energy of the divine father. This isn't the dad who yelled at you about about chores and math homework. He's not going to take away your stereo for staying out too late. He's a protector and wants us to define our version of success. He asks us how we're showing up for our work (not just our jobs, but our divine work) and if that's in integrity with ourselves or not. He holds us accountable though, and if we've been procrastinating or falling short, he lets us know that it's really ourselves that we've let down.

Cancer asks us to find what nurtures us and Capricorn asks us to show up in the world with integrity. The full moon is always a time of letting go. So the full moon in Capricorn asks us to think about how we can release ourselves from that authoritarian voice in our heads that makes us strive to be socially acceptable and successful. If the critical voice in your head doesn't align with your heart and actions, it's time to let it go. We don't have to live in the land of coulda/shoulda/woulda and beat ourselves up forever over past mistakes.

Some inquiries for this moon phase:

Where can you lean away from self-criticism and into self-love?

What does a successful life look and feel like to you?

How aligned are your heart and your actions? What actionable things can you do to make them align better?

Love and Sparkles,


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