On Sunday, there was a full moon at 29 degrees Capricorn, but the whole rest of the day it was in Aquarius. I consider that to really be a Capricorn flavored Aquarius full moon, rather than ceding all of the energy to Capricorn.
Capricorn is the divine masculine. It also represents father figures and the patriarchy. Aquarius is the water bearer. It's an air sign, but uses technology to bring the water of knowledge to humanity. That's why Aquarius is often associated with technology. How many Aquarians do you know who are interested in science, technology, or computers? Most of the ones I know are heavily into these fields.
The combination of Capricorn and Aquarius energies got me thinking about the dominance of technology in our lives, and how tangled up it's gotten us. Sure the information superhighway has given us access to more knowledge than ever before. But the advertisements, cyberbullying, and endless comparison generated by only seeing someone's highlight reel casts a pretty long negative shadow. Additionally, the algorithms are made to hijack our brains and keep us scrolling. The full moon asks us what we're ready to release in order to prepare for what we'll bring in during the next cycle. If we can release ourselves from some of the negative impacts of tech and the over--culture it feeds, we'll have more room to embrace our own shiny, sparkly energy on the Leo new moon.
Some questions to ponder:
Where can I create technology free spaces or times in my day?
What emotions come up when I think about being offline for a period of time? Where do I feel this in my body?
What real world hobbies or connections would I like to experience more?